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There’s quite the crew in this house.

drama tortoiseshell cat

You may remember Drama from such blog posts as the first mouse she killed and the morning she ate my earphones. She extends her best wishes.

zoey gray tiger cat

Fiance’s cats, Zoey (above) and Tigger (below) also wish you a fabulously happy, healthy, prosperous 2011.

tigger yellow tiger

Really, he does.

The puggle is probably the most festive of the bunch.

puggle open gift

puggle chew toy

puggle chew toy2

hector puggle sleep

Whew! We’ll see you next year.



I'm a bride-to-be who's lost 120 pounds -- and gained a whole new perspective on food and a passion for fitness! My ego would like to think I'm the Carrie Bradshaw of weight loss, but really, I'm just another former fat girl with too much to say.

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